Pictures may not exactly represent this item. Please read the description before purchasing.
Estimated shipping times are posted on the product information page under the title “Ships On Or Before:” please note that all lead-times are estimates. For items in our warehouse, we usually ship within 3 business days. For items only available at distribution or other sources, the ship time may be up to 10 business days. For items only available at the manufacturer, the lead-time may be a few weeks or longer– depending on availability.
Please also note that some items are unique, hard to obtain, or one-of-a-kind, so Impact reserves the right to cancel your order should an item not be available to ship.
The Arons Firearms website at (the “Site”) is a copyrighted work belonging to Arons Firearm Family. Arons Firearms grants you the right to use the Site for the limited purpose of placing orders for product. Orders placed on the site or by phone, as well as any other information that you provide either on the Site or via another method, are subject to the “Terms of Service” as listed, below. By placing an order and agreeing to the Terms of Service at checkout, you agree to the following:
Subject to these Terms of Service, Arons Firearms grants you a limited, royalty-free license to view the materials contained on the Site (the “Materials”) for personal use. You are not granted any right to use Arons Firearms trademarks, logos, trade dress (including without limitation the layout of the Site) or other marks, and all such items shall remain the exclusive property of Impact Guns.
Arons Firearms reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Site or any part thereof with or without notice. You agree that Arons Firearms will not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension, or discontinuance of the Site.
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Your use of any areas of the Site secured by a user name/login screen (“Secured Areas”), including but not limited to purchases of products from the Site, is governed by the terms and conditions of this agreement.
Billing and Personal Information
Your billing information is being provided to Arons Firearms in order to process and fulfill your orders. In addition, any credit card information provided is stored in a PCI compliant, third party, database that Arons Firearms does not have access to. This information is retained in order to process your order. Arons Firearms is not liable for any breech of any third party data services. If you prefer to not have your information stored, we can remove any third party information. Please call us to do so.